Epsilla supports the retrieval of records from a table. By default, it retrieves all records from the table. Users can provide a primary key list to specify which records to retrieve; users can provide a filter condition to constrain the records obtained; users can provide 'limit' and 'skip' parameters to implement pagination on the records being retrieved.
Below is the complete example for all supported parameters:
status_code, response = db.get(
table_name="MyTable", # The name of the table to query against.
response_fields=["Doc"], # (Optional) which fields to be included in
# the response. If not provided, will include
# all fields in the table.
primary_keys=[1, 2, 4, 5], # (Optional) the list of primary keys for retrieval.
# If not provided, will not constrian on primary key
# value.
filter="Doc <> 'London'", # (Optional) a boolean expression for filtering
# out the results.
skip=0, # (Optional) how many records to skip. If not
# provided, will not skip any records.
limit=2 # (Optional) how many records to retrieve. If not
# provided, will return all records (after the
# skipped ones)
const query = await db.get(
'MyTable', // The name of the table to query against.
response: ["Doc"], // (Optional) which fields to be included in
// the response. If not provided, will include
// all fields in the table.
primaryKeys: [1, 2, 4, 5], // (Optional) the list of primary keys for retrieval.
// If not provided, will not constrian on primary key
// value.
filter: 'ID < 6 AND Doc <> \'London\'', // (Optional) filter: a boolean expression for filtering
// out the results.
skip: 0, // (Optional) how many records to skip. If not
// provided, will not skip any records.
limit: 2 // (Optional) how many records to retrieve. If not
// provided, will return all records (after the
// skipped ones)
console.log(JSON.stringify(query, undefined, 2));